Jan6418 Project Power Supply 30v and 9v Rails

A power supply to power all our Jan6418 projects.

This will get redesigned as soon as i complete a backlog of other projects… keep an eye on this space.

Power supply should run on 12VAC, the MC34063a Converts the 9v into 30v for the Jan6418 tubes.

Download files HERE:

This power supply is designed to run from 12V AC or DC – I am currently running it from a 12VAC 500ma power pack (Alltronics part number: M9265 , costing around $19) although any power supply can be used that provides around 500 Milliamps – it should easily provide 200ma @ 9v and around 80ma (MAX) @ 30v – the ratio will be different according to how much 30v amperage you need.

The capacitor array i used provides very clean power as does the 30v stepped up stage provided by the MC34063A. The LM317 regulates the voltage down to 9V, providing enough power for the filament drain in the preamp.

I’ve learnt from my previous designs and decided to provide two seperate voltages (I’m having trouble generating enough current in 30V to supply the whole preamp – plate and grid do not require much amperage at all – MC34063A stepped up voltage is quite enough just for those)

PCB Layout… Observe red + for polarity of electrolytic Capacitors, as i had a glitch in my program when designing this.
Ready to etch and drill PCB
Populated board.

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